Service to the Citizens
The most pressing issue facing our citizens today is housing and growth. I have been leading a the Regional Housing and Growth Issues Partnership in putting forward real solutions that will benefit the area for years to come. This group is comprised of Planners from Kootenai County and all cities within it, elected officials and others in the Working Group and over 35 civic, business, activists, non -profits and other organizations in the Advisory Group. We’ve made tremendous progress in moving forward plans to address Local Worker Housing needs based on a publicly involved process to date. More details on all that is being done can be found at KMPO.NET menu bar Featured Programs, then drop to bottom click on Working Groups.
I’ve had the pleasure of serving on the General Services as well as Public Works sub committees. I felt it the best way to learn in depth how the city operates and it’s been a valuable experience. In addition, I’ve been the Library Liason, served on Panhandle Area Council and CDA2030, as well as numerous short-term committees and project teams. I believe listening to the people of Cd’A is of the utmost importance. Because of the community’s desire to protect and preserve Coeur d’Alene’s rich history, I helped in leading the formation of the City of Coeur d’Alene Historic Preservation Commission, and the Lake City Public Library/outreach programs.
As the community grows and large projects are planned and develop, citizen involvement is even more important. I led multiple community input sessions on Atlas Mill Park, helped get the Cd’A Skate Park and Downtown Parking Garage opened, helped coordinate a Performing Arts Feasibility Study team, and formed and currently lead the Regional Housing and Growth Issues Partnership.
I feel strongly that community involvement is what shapes our great city and continue to reach out beyond regular processes to achieve that input. I supported free parking for area residents, and continue to bring solutions to area issues to the forefront.
A strong and diversified business community is vital to our city’s health. During the pandemic I helped create job preservation measures in the arts community, had statewide discussions to allow gyms and salons to remain open, and led a tourism awareness campaign to help keep local citizens safe. I support education, innovation, and technology, and brought forward and helped pass the country’s first Robotics Ordinance.
I look forward to working diligently to provide problem-solving ideas and action in the years to come.